

Other Translations

20 Products
With twenty new essays and introductions and others as well as annotations fully revised, offers the reader flexibility for any learning style.

With twenty new essays and introductions and others as well as annotat...
$120.00 $120.00
The bestselling New Greek/English Interlinear New Testament has been updated for the twenty-first century with the United Bible Societies’ 5th editi... More
The bestselling New Greek/English Interlinear New Testament has been u...
$29.99 $29.99
An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible study More
An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible study
$74.99 $74.99
Seeking to be faithful to the original languages, Priests for Equality have sought new and non-sexist ways to express the same ancient truths. More
Seeking to be faithful to the original languages, Priests for Equality...
$36.00 $36.00
Orthodox Christianity is the face of ancient Christianity to the modern world and embraces the second largest body of Christians in the world. More
Orthodox Christianity is the face of ancient Christianity to the moder...
$49.99 $49.99
The ICB Holy Bible, published in a translation perfect for elementary age kids, is filled with dozens of beautifully designed, color illustrations to ... More
The ICB Holy Bible, published in a translation perfect for elementary ...
$17.99 $17.99
The perfect choice to dig deeper in God’s Word with extra margin space for your thoughts while enjoying easy-to-read large print font. More
The perfect choice to dig deeper in God’s Word with extra margin spa...
$59.99 $59.99
The CSB Bride's Bible features a beautiful satin-like, white pearlescent cover, making these Bibles for women an elegant appointment for the holy occa... More
The CSB Bride's Bible features a beautiful satin-like, white pearlesce...
$24.99 $24.99
With a new, easy-to-read typeface, theNIV Thinline Bible, Large Print invites you to linger over, engage with, and deeply explore God's Word. More
With a new, easy-to-read typeface, theNIV Thinline Bible, Large Print ...
$42.99 $42.99
The Holy Bible, Gift and Award is an extremely low-priced, complete Bible for gift giving, travel, or evangelism and ministry use. More
The Holy Bible, Gift and Award is an extremely low-priced, complete Bi...
$5.99 $5.99
Many of the Apocryphal or Deuterocanonical Books have been translated with reference to Greek texts whose authority has been enhanced by manuscripts d... More
Many of the Apocryphal or Deuterocanonical Books have been translated ...
$17.99 $17.99
This beautiful full-color Bible provides a complete resource for studying the Bible. More
This beautiful full-color Bible provides a complete resource for study...
$79.99 $79.99
Encounter the living Jesus in all of Scripture. From the Passion movement, The Jesus Bible, ESV Edition, lifts Jesus up as the lead story of the Bible... More
Encounter the living Jesus in all of Scripture. From the Passion movem...
$74.99 $74.99
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