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A repackaged edition of the revered author’s poetry—a collection of verse that exemplifies and celebrates his breadth of knowledge, his wide-ranging interests, both spiritual and earthly, and his never-ending search to find God and understand the mysterie
KALAS, J. ELLSWORTH Pleasure of God: Finding Grace In the Ordinary
Pleasure of God: Finding Grace In the Ordinary
How can anything be ordinary if we find the glory of God there? In this inspiring new work, J. Ellsworth Kalas says that the glory is found not just in the ecstasy of love or victory but in all of life, whether ecstatic or ordinary.
LEWIS, C. S. Pilgrims Regress by C.S. Lewis
Pilgrims Regress by C.S. Lewis
The first book written by C. S. Lewis after his conversion to Christianity,The Pilgrim's Regress is, in a sense, a record of Lewis's own search for meaning and spiritual satisfaction, a search that eventually led him to Christianity.
TEILHARD DE CHARDIN, PIERRE Pierre Teilhard De Chardin Selected Writings
Pierre Teilhard De Chardin Selected Writings
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) was a French Jesuit theologian and scientist renowned for his pioneering field work in paleontology. His visionary writings on the reconciliation of faith and evolutionary theory aroused the suspicions of the Vatican
ST.  FRANCIS OF ASSISI Peace of Heart (30 Days With a Great Spiritual Teacher)
Peace of Heart (30 Days With a Great Spiritual Teacher)
This month-long journey of morning and evening reflections provides a window into the life and teachings of St. Francis of Assisi, the renowned father of environmentalism.
FREDRIKSEN, PAULA Paul: the Pagan's Apostle by Paula Fredriksen
Paul: the Pagan's Apostle by Paula Fredriksen
A groundbreaking new portrait of the apostle Paul, from one of today's leading historians of antiquity. Often seen as the author of timeless Christian theology, Paul himself heatedly maintained that he lived and worked in history's closing hours.
WRIGHT, N.T. Paul For Everyone: the Pastoral Letters
Paul For Everyone: the Pastoral Letters
Writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to see the pastoral nature of these letters. Paul is anxious to see that those who profess the faith should allow the gospel to transform the whole of their lives...
WALLACE, PETER Passionate Jesus: What We Can Learn From Jesus About Love, Fear, Grief, Joy, And Living Authentically
Passionate Jesus: What We Can Learn From Jesus About Love, Fear, Grief, Joy, And Living Authentically
In this eye-opening spiritual study, Peter M. Wallace examines Jesus's actions as well as his teachings to uncover a passionate figure who was involved, present, connected, honest and direct with others.
HUTCHISON, ROGER Painting Table : a Journal of Loss And Joy
Painting Table : a Journal of Loss And Joy
A story of hope, mixing color, food, artwork, and memories - Guided questions and blank pages for reflection in word or art by the reader - Offers a model for small group and individual reflection in times of tragedy (individual, local or national) ...Thi
RUPP, JOYCE Out of the Ordinary: Prayers, Poems And Reflections For Every Season
Out of the Ordinary: Prayers, Poems And Reflections For Every Season
Joyce Rupps characteristic creativity and reverence for the Divine are on full display in this collection of prayer resources for birthdays, holidays, holy days, transitions, and many other occasions, helping readers enter more deeply and reflectively int
BREWIN, KESTER Other: Loving Self God And Neighbor In a World of Fractures
Other: Loving Self God And Neighbor In a World of Fractures
International terrorism, racism, youth violence and religious fundamentalism ... our willingness to engage "the other" is at the heart of the majority of contemporary challenges today. Beginning with Jesus' instruction to love God and to love our neighbor
MCDOWELL, LUCINDA Ordinary Graces: Word Gifts For Any Season
Ordinary Graces: Word Gifts For Any Season
Everyone loves to receive a gift. And God has given us many, such as his grace—the gift we don’t deserve and can never earn. Promises from the One who declares we are already loved, already accepted, already created in his image.
Oracion Diaria Para Todos Los Tiempos
Oracion Diaria Para Todos Los Tiempos
Nuevo material para la disciplina de la oración diaria Uso autorizado por la Convención General de la Iglesia Episcopal Disponibleen inglésy en español (volúmenes apartes) Apenas se comenzó a dividir el día en horas, personas de diversas tradiciones relig
KEATING, THOMAS Open Mind Open Heart by Thomas Keating
Open Mind Open Heart by Thomas Keating
In this paperback on the contemplative dimension of the Gospel, Father Thomas Keating explains contemplative prayer practices. In this excerpt, he shares two practices which can extend the effects of centering prayer into everyday life.