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The Name of God Is Mercy by Pope Francis
The Name of God Is Mercy by Pope Francis
Pope Francis here invites all humanity to an intimate and personal dialogue on the subject closest to his heart, mercy.
Mystical Hope
Our source of hope is in the mercy of God, a lifeblood of compassion connecting our heart to God s heart and the heart of all creation.
RUPP, JOYCE My Soul Feels Lean
My Soul Feels Lean
Drawing on insights from her Christian faith and her lifelong connection to the Iowa farmland of her birth, Joyce Rupp explores themes of loss and restoration in this luminous collection of poems.
My Favorite Color Is Blue Sometimes
My Favorite Color Is Blue Sometimes
A picture book to guide the reader through different emotions and reactions related to grieving, accessible to children and people of all ages.
GAMBER, JENIFER My Faith, My Life ;  a Teen's Guide To the Episcopal Church
My Faith, My Life ; a Teen's Guide To the Episcopal Church
For teen study and confirmation preparation, this book helps teens discover Scripture, church history, sacraments, the meaning and practice of prayer, and what ministry means in the lives of real teens today.
GAMBER, JENIFER My Faith, My Life Leaders Guide : a Teen's Guide To the Episcopal Church
My Faith, My Life Leaders Guide : a Teen's Guide To the Episcopal Church
In addition to a book for teens, My Faith, My Life is a curriculum. With this guide, leaders can create short, intermediate, and longer programs to prepare for confirmation.
Johnson invites us to re-read Scripture as a means of re-imagining the world and cultivating a renewed sense of wonder and an enlivened capacity to perceive the ongoing power and presence of God.
Seeing My Skin: a Story of Wrestling With Whiteness
Seeing My Skin: a Story of Wrestling With Whiteness
A personal journey of a priest’s understanding of his Whiteness widens into an invitation to wrestle with larger cultural issues of race and belonging.