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Inspirational, Devotionals & Prayer

Bedside Prayers
Bedside Prayers
A marvelous collection of prayers, poems, meditations, sentiments, and quiet celebrations for when you rise and go to sleep.
Hither And Yon
Where is God? Can I get there from here? What happens along the way?
Fragments of Your Ancient Name: 365 Glimpses of the Divine For Daily Meditation by Joyce Rupp
Fragments of Your Ancient Name: 365 Glimpses of the Divine For Daily Meditation by Joyce Rupp
This unique and profound devotional will heighten awareness of the many names by which God is known around the world.
CARLSON, JUDITH First Order of Business 12 Minute Bible Reflections To Open Church Meetings
First Order of Business 12 Minute Bible Reflections To Open Church Meetings
After years as a member of parish staffs and as a congregational and diocesan consultant, Judith Carlson became increasingly aware how seldom Bible study or some spiritual component is incorporated into church meetings.
NEWELL, J PHILIP Listening For the Heartbeat of God
Listening For the Heartbeat of God
Listening for the Heartbeat of God presents a spirituality for today, modeled on the vital characteristics of Celtic spirituality throughout the centuries.
HAMILTON, ADAM Enough:  Discovering Joy Through Simplicity And Generosity, Revised Edition
Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity And Generosity, Revised Edition
Enough is an invitation to rediscover the Bible's wisdom when it comes to prudent financial practices.
MCCOLMAN, CARL Invitation To Celtic Wisdom
Invitation To Celtic Wisdom
Drawing on myth, folklore, poetry, and the tales of Celtic gods and heroes, this little book is an invitation to readers to explore the spiritual tradition of the Celtic peoples.